Specialty Ammunition Available
We are planning the production run of two low-availability calibers. These include the .45 LC 250 gr HP XTP® and the .44 Magnum 180 gr HP XTP®. These high-powered hollow point rounds (Hornady eXtreme Terminal Performance) are available in very limited quantities. If you are interested in purchasing these calibers, please stop by the shop or call us at (727) 541-2200 to reserve the quantity you would like.
- The XTP® high-performance features include:
- controlled expansion at all velocities
- no exposed lead
- swagged core for in-flight stability
- drawn gilding metal jacket
Care And Feeding Of Your Revolver
Wheel Guns Are Real Guns
At least that is what our most enthusiastic revolver shooters say. They keep us busy producing premium ammo to feed their little friends. We have been hard at work replenishing our inventory of .38 Special and .357 Magnum ammunition. These include the 142 gr FMJ and 125 gr JHP in .38 Special and 125 gr JHP IN .357 Magnum. For the hardcore target shooters, the 142 gr HBWC (hollow base wadcutters) will be available after January 1st. Wadcutters are extremely accurate, produce lower felt recoil, and punch nearly perfect round holes in your target.
If you prefer shooting semiautomatics, we haven’t forgotten you. The shelves are stocked with all the most in-demand calibers. In fact, we have just replenished several of them including the most requested 9mm rounds in 124 gr FMJ and 147 gr FMJ. Stop by the shop and pick up the ammo for your next range visit. If you need a custom load, we are happy to make ammo to your specifications. Give us a call at (727) 541-2200 to discuss your needs. Remember, you can return your brass for credit.
Personal Defense Round
45 ACP 230 GR Jacketed Hollow Point
In response to consumer demand, GS Custom has started manufacturing 45 ACP 230 GR JHP for personal defense. National and international events are driving increased interest in personal defense. Moreover, it is driving sales of firearms and ammunition.
Month after month, US firearms sales continue to break sales records. A significant portion of sales is for personal defense firearms. In addition, consumers are asking for larger caliber compact concealed carry firearms. Several firearms manufacturers have introduced new lines of compact personal defense weapons, for instance, Springfield Armory, Smith & Wesson, Glock, and SIG Sauer. Their models include the Springfield XDs, the M&P Shield, and the Glock 30.
Concealed carriers want the stopping power of a larger personal defense round. Furthermore, law enforcement officers carry and suggest jacketed hollow point ammunition for personal defense. A large-caliber 45 ACP with a 230 GR jacketed hollow point bullet is an effective personal defense combination. A well-placed center of mass hit with a 45 ACP 230 GR JHP can stop an attacker.
Hollow Point Ammunition
Due to increased demand, we are increasing our manufacturing of hollow point ammunition. We schedule regular production runs of the seven most requested calibers:
- .380 Auto
- 9mm
- .357 Magnum
- .38 Special
- .40 S&W
- .45 ACP
- .45 Long Colt
We package these premium hollow point calibers in 50-round boxes and 1,000-round bulk packs. Target shooters use hollow points for greater accuracy and reduction of smoke, fouling, and lead vapor exposure, as hollow point bullets have an enclosed base while traditional bullets have an exposed lead base.
Factory New Ammunition Calibers
We have just finished a production run of factory NEW Ammunition using new brass and the exceptional Hornady XTP® hollow point and jacketed hollow point bullets. We have stocked the shelves with Factory New calibers, including:
- 10 MM 180 GR JHP
- 41 MAG 210 GR HP-XTP
- 44 SPEC 240 GR HP-XTP
- 45 LC 250 GR HP-XTP
We sell the Factory Select ammo in 50-round boxes and always sell quickly, so stop in to pick up what you need or call to pre-order at 727-541-2200.
Designed for sports shooting, self-defense, hunting, and law enforcement applications, the XTP® bullet demonstrates the kind of accuracy that led many competitive shooters to adopt it. Its reliable performance makes the XTP® the most popular handgun bullet for both target shooters and hunters. The stopping power of the XTP® bullet has truly built its world-class reputation. From the onset, XTP® bullets were specifically designed to expand reliably at a range of handgun velocities to deliver deep penetration with every shot.
9 MM 147 GR Competition Ammo
GS Custom makes competition-grade ammo for active competitors. Whether you are a competitive shooter or a shooter who wants a real competitive edge with your target shooting, we manufacture ammunition to meet your needs. We make competitive ammunition in several calibers; however, the most popular is the 9mm 147gr FMJ cartridge.
We manufacture our 9mm 147 gr FMJ rounds to the competitor’s specifications. Like all of our products, we use the highest quality components, such as Federal Premium® primers and Hodgdon TiteGroup™ powder. These subsonic rounds exceed the minimum requirements for minor power factor made to give you, the competitor, the advantage.
Mastering accuracy depends on good shooting technique, controlling recoil, and ensuring the proper cycling of the firearm. These 9mm 147 gr FMJ rounds help you meet these goals by balancing bullet weight, velocity, type, and overall length.